Today I would like to express my love for Harry Potter.
Yes. That is correct. The man/boy with the scar.
The all to wonderful story that kept us all hooked throughout most of our childhood.
The thing that is the main reason why I love reading so much.
The book that taught children life lessons.
The main reason why 11 year olds would check the mail, in hopes of getting a Hogwarts letter.
The reason why the word "muggle" is now in a dictionary.
The topic of many debates.
Countless hours of reading, analyzing, pondering, and predicting.
Full of laughter, heartbreak, tears, and joy.
Priceless characters.
Hilarious names.
Magical creatures.
The place where most of my knowledge of England comes from.
The main reason why socks are so awesome.
Why, if I was a man, I would probably want to grow a beard down to my belly button when I got old.
Explains that chocolate is good for the soul.
The lifelong story of good vs. evil continued.
Love is the most powerful of all magics.
The emergence of many childhood friends.
Plus it even has unicorns in it.
To Ms. J. K. Rowling, I salute you.
Harry Potter is what the spirit of magic is all about and as long as people keep believing in talking hats, dragons, pixies, goblins, kind elves, mischievous spirits, owls, talking portraits, chocolate frogs, mermaids, soul sucking kisses, singing toads, magical maps, and flying brooms it will never die.